Innovative Development Expertise & Advisory Services, Inc. (IDEAS) is a small business dedicated to strengthening health systems that target underserved populations throughout the world. IDEAS is a young, vibrant organization, created by a group of highly experienced public health consultants seeking new ways of working in the health and social sectors.
Innovative Development Expertise & Advisory Services (IDEAS), Inc., a small, US-based, employee-owned consulting firm, strengthens the management and performance of local organizations which contribute to the delivery of quality health services to disadvantaged population groups. They have worked in more than 30 developing countries since their founding in 2007. In more than half of those countries they helped CCMs to improve their governance and oversight and/or assisted Principal and Sub-recipients to improve their management and monitoring and evaluation of Global Fund grants. In Afghanistan they are strengthening the Ministry of Public Health's stewardship role by promoting a constructive relationship with the rapidly growing private health sector with the intent to increase the quality of the latter's services. They are a highly experienced group of consultants, which is anxious to form collaborative relationships with others who share their dedication for health and development. Their staff speak English, French, Japanese and Spanish.
Additional information is available at www.ideas4hlth.com.