Since signing the articles of incorporation in May 2011, the four founder members of zeGOgroup have been working tirelessly to launch their ambitious new initiative, aiming to provide a new response to the growing development needs of countries and institutions through a radically new approach to technical support. Both innovative and pragmatic, it aims to offer complementary and follow-on support to urgent and short-term interventions to ensure sustainable results.
"Strengthening systems sustainably": zeGOgroup's motto clearly states our commitment to a new approach to technical support. More than ever, development is at the centre of political, economic and social debate: going beyond mere "cost effectiveness", the international crisis and consequent rarefaction of available resources demand interventions that are strategic, systemic and aimed at sustainable results.
To achieve this, we need to completely revisit the current paradigm, breaking the shackles of dependency on handouts and encourage recipients to assume their role not only as actors but decision-makers for their own long-term development projects. This obviously requires massive commitment on the part of all stakeholders, and we will have to expand our view of ownership to include a grassroots level of decision-making and strengthen multistakeholder dialogue accordingly.
zeGOgroup aims to support the dialogue through a wide range of client-driven interventions, carried out by an international network of technical and strategic partners. Rather than "same old same old", we are looking to deploy new technologies and explore "viral" strategies for constructive contagion in the service of a vision that is both innovative and pragmatic, maximising potential and creating new solutions to development challenges.